Icelandic sheep of Iowa

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Baad Blogger

Yes, I'll admit it. I'm really bad at blogging. Honestly my world was turned upside down about 18 months ago and blogging was the last thing on my mind. We've been busy here. My oldest is in her last year of college, one daughter has moved out, and another isn't quite sure when she'll move out. Homeschooling 4 children, and put one in Catholic School this year. Purached a tri loom this summer and have had lots of fun learning with that. In fact I sold my first shawl just this past Sunday! I liked the colors when I picked them out, but once my shawl was compledted and off the loom, well I was disappointed. I knew there were things I would do differently. The second shawl turned out much better.

Thunder, our star ram, was with us for two years. I traded him for a lovely black,horned ram and little white ewe lamb from Red Brick Farm in Dixon Il. I purchased some of my first ewes from Terri about 4 years ago and was eager to do buisness with her again. I'm sure these guys will be a wonderful addition to our flock.

We had a heck of a lamb year! I am now looking for homes for about 20 lambs! Either as fiber animals, non registered breeding stock, or freezer meat. I'll try to post some pictures later.

Well thats it for now!