Icelandic sheep of Iowa

Monday, December 1, 2008

Soap anyone?

Here it is December 1st and I'm still making soap for presents1 Ugh! I made a batch of lavender/olive/coconut oil soap right before Thanksgiving. That should be ready unless I totally messed up the measurments. Today I'm making peppermint/ecualyptus olive/coconut oil and lard soap. This one of one of my favorites. The soap lathers well, and smells wonderful! Lovely in the morning, really picks you up! Its also very cooling, after a hot day working outside.

I try to make enough soap for us to last a year, and have enough to give away for presents. I like the fact its homemade, it has zero ingredents that are harmful, and its way cheaper than buying my soap from the health food store.

I'll also be working on cotton wash clothes and hand knitted socks. I'll be busy these next few weeks.