Icelandic sheep of Iowa

Saturday, March 24, 2007

The Navajo Churro's

These are my Churro's, the guy with the wonderful horns is our Ram, his name is Stormy, and girl that is gray is also pure bred and I named her Maria, the white cross ewe is half Churro and half Corriedale, and her name is Nina....... not very orginial but the kids were happy with the names.

O.K. now for some pictures

Here are some pictures of our new lamb, the Navajo Churro Lamb.

Finially a new post!

It's been forever since I last posted. Our poor computer got a virus and my even poorer husband has had to deal with tech people overseas trying to fix it. I can now download pictures! Hurray! We still just have the one lamb, the Icelandics are due to lamb in late April thru May.... we really don't know when each ewe was busy with the ram ( wink) because he was so small we couldn't keep his breeding harness on him. He kept getting himself all tangled..... so I only caught a few in the act.

We have had one crazy winter, where it started off mild, like in the 50's in December, then got bitter cold, then snow, ice and more snow! It sure was pretty, and I'm sure all that moisture helped our water table. Now spring is here and we have more rain. Hopefully the pasture will start growing, we are running out of hay. On the good side, everything is sure greening up, and it looks like our bees survived!